A Church Girl Gone Rogue


A church girl gone rogue

I was always part of the rebellious ones

No matter how many times you tried

To baptize me with tongue lashings

Or gave me lashings from anything

You could lay your hands on.


You said right

I said left

You said straight

I said crooked

You said inside

I said no way

You said dolls

I said trucks.


My brothers you allowed

To go their own way

You gave them much more leeway

But when the time came I chose my way.


That’s why I never loved church

or anything religious

That’s why I broke away

Because with your silence you seemed to say

“Boys will be boys

But girls must never go rogue”.

A church girl gone rouge

I was always the rebellious one

No matter how many times

You tried to get me to pray the psalms

Or see the lion as a lamb. 

Anella D. Shillingford

Anella D. Shillingford is a secondary school teacher and self-published author. She published “Bonfire”, a collection of poems, in 2019. She also does spoken-word poetry, some of which can be found on her youtube channel.

The author is from the Commonwealth of Dominica.


Becoming Rage

