Untitled design (35).png

This piece depicts a woman of African descent gazing directly at the viewer as tropical flowers, frozen in motion, waft past her face. The colorful floral reflections in her eyes resemble starry vibrant galaxies when seen up close. The piece focuses on the beauty of afro- features and also embraces the notion that the black woman is complete in herself. She has the entire universe at her disposal she just needs to tap into the cosmic gifts that the universe already has for her and realize that everything she is, is enough.

Rhonda Williams aka Indira Wills

She/her(s): I am an Antiguan sapiosexual, sushi-lover, visual artist and dance enthusiast. As an art and dance instructor I enjoy cultivating an environment that welcomes freedom of expression in the minds & bodies of young people through movement & visual story telling.  My art is filled with imagery that promotes oneness with nature, eliminating cannabis prohibition as well as encourages empowerment of women and girls with specific focus on body positivity, mental health, and the positive representation of women of colour in art.


But This is Not My Child


The Objections of Cats