
Untitled design (10).png

Photo by Dazzle Jam from Pexels

My bones and spirit broken

Battered, bruised and slapped.

Words are unspoken

Inside my body trapped.

Touched in a secret place

My childhood gone.

Betrayed by a familiar face

Dreaming of a new dawn.

Borders I crossed

In the sex trade sold.

My dignity lost

My story untold.

To an illegal drug I am enslaved

Alcohol I hide behind

I envision my grave

I am losing my mind.

Unemployed, searching for work

Facing an unknown world.

Desperate and broke

Lonely and cold.

Behind these prison bars

In pain we are wrapped.

Hiding these emotional scars

Silently we are trapped.

Jeanine M. Gervais

Jeanine M. Gervais is a native of the beautiful twin island of Trinidad and Tobago. She resides in southern Trinidad. Jeanine started writing poetry in primary school to express her feelings about issues in her life and society. An avid reader of different genre. She believes through artistic expression social issues can be highlighted and addressed. A lifelong learner, a lover of creative arts, a sister, an aunt, a friend, poet and short story writer. A woman of deep faith that believes in justice, equity and equality for all. She sees Caribbean Feminist Stories as a platform to address and highlight gender injustice and inequality. As well as to educate, empower and enrich the lives of others on gender related topics


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