Peeking through the blinds of a window that was dusty
But only on the outside, as we lived near a busy faded street
Looking out to see a world that we were not too familiar with
Concealed neatly just as our pearled necklaces in their long boxes
Red ribbons, with clear white bubbles to hold our hair up
Short red pants paired with a red shirt trimmed with white
On its breast screen printed words that read Day Spring Academy
Little brown feet that stepped into
Little black Clarks with enough space for fingers to press the tip
Ran on private ground that was paid for
The only white coat we knew in person belonged to a dentist
Whose face was adorned with the addition of wire frames
White and gray hairs reaching out and then reclining back on your scalp
He tolerated us willingly, lovingly, allowed us to stay
My gratitude for your kindness was never expressed
For I was too young to be grateful
Too young to care, understand, or appreciate
You blessed three little girls of color
And valued their mother, a loyal worker for years
Dinosaur floss, green, yellow, dark blue
A coat of many colors
White foam placed in a soft pink mouth guard
To cushion and whiten your teeth
Airy like cotton candy
Miniature bubblegum mouth wash
Fun size toothbrushes
Fruit and animal stickers
I remember
Hard silver plastic rings like the ones we used to get
From the gumball machines in Sandy’s
I confess, I did take one or two of your
Silver coins from out that big green box
The one that was never locked
I’m sorry
A smile that revealed white teeth with pink gums
A white skirt just below two knees
White shoes that covered sheer white stockings
Your hair roller set
With big pink cylinders, the ones with twenty holes in them
I counted
Releasing them from your strands one by one
Stroking them lightly to the front and then the back with
a goody brush and comb
She went out every day
Whatever you wish I will bring
But here you must stay
Soft colors were her preference
A knitted yellow dress sleeveless at times
When she wasn’t at work, she flipped through clothing catalogs
Leaving us in the white car to pick up her orders
A little girl going up to the glass door knocking
While her siblings stayed inside
To see what was taking her so long
Kids jumping on mommy’s back as she bent over the bed praying
Reading, reciting, singing
Amazing grace
We are older now
Our morals are instilled