Who am I?
Queer in Nature Princess O'Nika Auguste Queer in Nature Princess O'Nika Auguste

Who am I?

It has taken me years to know that I am a queer black feminist who loves the water; whether it be the ocean, a waterfall, a lake, or a river, the form doesn't matter.

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Passing Through
Growing up Queer Ethan Knowles Growing up Queer Ethan Knowles

Passing Through

It was not until my third affair (the wrench in my relationship with Despair), that I began souveniring. In some ways the habit snuck up on me and in some ways it did not. In some ways it was entirely haphazard, wild and almost beyond my control. In some ways, I was totally in control

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More Stories Javanna Cumberbatch More Stories Javanna Cumberbatch


My gratitude for your kindness was never expressed

For I was too young to be grateful

Too young to care, understand, or appreciate

You blessed three little girls of color

And valued their mother, a loyal worker for years

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More Stories Claudette Thompson More Stories Claudette Thompson


Basic freedom was denied

And daily I cried.

Labeled as the “weaker sex”

Taunted mercilessly. My soul grew vex.

Wretched. Worthless

An imbecile. Senseless.

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I Was Eight Years Old
Growing up Queer Jarrod Williams Growing up Queer Jarrod Williams

I Was Eight Years Old

I couldn’t tell her what I had suffered. It was a guarded secret for me. Opening the wounds meant exposing him and by exposing him I left myself bare. Somehow in my eight year old’s mind, I felt the need to protect him and save both of us from the embarrassment

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Hot Oil
This Is Not Love Claudette Thompson This Is Not Love Claudette Thompson

Hot Oil

It was while she was frying plantains one day that she had a thought. She recalled how her mother used to tell her that to get the best results, the oil had to be very hot. “That’s it!” she exclaimed.

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Colourism Claudette Thompson Colourism Claudette Thompson


Children live what they learn an’ fi mi muma an’ pupa look like dem frighten fi Alice. Mi sure seh dem nevah suh happy wen me did born but wen Alice come, a one piece a celebration inna di yard.Their naming her Alice-Elizabeth, after some Princess from England and my having been given the archaic name, Dorcas - Esmeralda immediately proved to me that there was demarcation based on the color of our skin.We were of the same race and one blood, so why the difference?

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