Today I am six years from 30

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Today I am six years from 30,

the married age of my mother,

and I still don’t how to tell her

I won’t marry how she expects.

She will think I am confused

or have demons harvesting on

the inside of my chest

or she will worry about what her friends will think –

da bishop daughta in foreign

marrit to woman wit no babies?

They will tell her to forsake me,

withdraw her money

and pray unceasingly against my sin

because their god don’t like ugly

but I wonder if by ugly

their god meant

roaming eyes and

chatty lips?

Does the life they live

reflect the same as their jesus?

Does the life my mother live

reflect the same as her jesus?


I am six years from 30,

and I finally is woman enough to tell her:

ine gettin’ marrit.

kevanté a.c. cash

ushered on earth by neptune to bring teachings on radical self-acceptance, kevanté a.c. cash (she/her) is a bahamian poet, essayist and arts journalist based in manchester, uk. currently her work explores the fluidity of Blackness, womanhood and sexuality juxtaposed to her religious upbringing and the social politics of bahamian culture. she has been featured on the online platforms of Black Girl In Om, The Body A Home For Love and The Reign XY, in the arts and culture column of The Nassau Guardian newspaper, and within “Refuge”, the 2019 – 2020 National Art Gallery of The Bahamas’ exhibition, depicting the national travesty of Hurricane Dorian that plagued the country in september 2019. kevanté holds a BA in media journalism from the University of The Bahamas, and is on pursuit of discovering where her poetic voice fits within the canon of bahamian and caribbean literature through undertaking a MFA creative writing – poetry course at Manchester Metropolitan University. when she’s not listening to neo-soul or R&B, sipping on lemongrass tea, or twerking to afrobeats, you can find her on a beach back home, journaling or mashin’ down on some conchy conch fritters.


Hookin’ Me


Calypso Tingz