The Arrival of Birds

Photo by Annetta Jackson, Intersect Antigua

Amazona guildingii shrieks for you,

and your half-written sinuous chapters,

they are to remain unfinished.

This is one tragedy of the Caribbean queer.

The vitality of the liberation movement is fleeting.

Fancies whisk away the next He-She

the latest Girls-Man into disillusioned ecstasy.

Sociality sucks life out of tradition,

resuscitating Bullers everywhere 

on the brink of suspicious predilections.

The procedure is a fluid one

like rivers that partition you

into parcels of land to be occupied,

to be slashed and burned,

crafted from the image of the men

and women who till you thin.

Listen closely as the wild fluttering spirits sing

acknowledging your inadequate offering.

Linzey Corridon

Born and raised on the Caribbean island nation of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Linzey Corridon (he/they) currently resides in Ontario, Canada. He is a Vanier Canada Scholar, an educator, and a PhD researcher in the Department of English and Cultural Studies at McMaster University. An emerging queer Caribbean theorist and literary critic, his research centers queer Caribbean and diaspora quotidian experiences. Linzey’s poetry and criticisms can be found in The Puritan, Kola Magazine, SX Salon, House Anthology and more.


Interview with a Chichiman


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