The Darkest of Purple


An awakening

A fall

A rising

Here I am

I know not what to know

Still however, I do

Pushing back against it

Acceptance must be defeat

Punitive even

Still I do

Still I am

They know it

They see me

Yet hide me

Here I am

Naked but cloaked

Shamed in knowing

I see her

I know she knows me

She loves therefore I can too

She carefully considers death

Death of whom

Death of what

She comes

Not for me

Because of me

Because love

I have it

For my own

Nah Fret

(She/her) Daughter of Jamaican migrants, naturalized Jamaican citizen, living in the American Empire and queer feminist. Utilizing public health, particularly reproductive justice, she fights to bring transformation for the most marginalized to achieve health justice and liberation. Lover of women and womanly tingz.


Is This Because Iā€™m Gay?


Mental Health