I spoke loud with my red dress on,
The one that had the split on the sides.
Yeah, that one.
The one inviting you to touch my inner thighs,
The one that made you do it.
It was me, I wore that red dress.
How rude of me to speak so loud,
As I rotated my hips while adding numbers to my age.
You watched me crawl until I walked,
Then bought my silence, with each secret advance.
Bordering on my very own stalker,
Your presence was ever near,
Always there.
From start to finish.
My insensitivity was too loud
When I chose to keep my body,
Free from a baby.
Not wanting to suckle a child,
In the midst of chaos and destruction.
When I said yes to the scalpel,
Drugs that were considered ammunition.
When you took away my freedom
Denying me rights with one resolution.
Saying no to society, taking back my power.
I was too loud!
When the food wasnt right, You slapped me.
The children made noise, I was punished.
I asked for my protector, and you gave me an abuser.
When I begged for forgiveness for the woman you encouraged.
When I worked, I failed, you took away my worth.
I gave my time you took my energy.
All because.....
I was too loud!
Too aggressive!
Too strong!
Too noisy!
Yet, every moment it was I and never You that made a sound.
I stand in silence because I was too loud.