This Is Not Love Tricia Sharpe This Is Not Love Tricia Sharpe


I wonder if you would still love her

If she had no body

No female physical attributes for you men to gaze at

No Instagram picture to hit the love button

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S*x Ed for Little Girls
More Stories Zahra Gordon More Stories Zahra Gordon

S*x Ed for Little Girls

I was doing everything wrong and they made sure I knew.

There were supposed to be two buckets of water, not one. The panties were washed with blue soap before the bath, not after. Body wash was to be applied in a circular motion, not up and down, up and down.

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I’m That Girl
Colourism Mercedes Modeste Colourism Mercedes Modeste

I’m That Girl

You may set a standard for her, but let me

inform you: This girl who stands before you

is more capable than what you or anyone

else thinks, and she can achieve things

higher than the stars and your expectations.

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