Unraveling my Island Identity

Art by Heather Doram, Antigua

The title of this piece "Unraveling My Island Identity" is in acrylic paint. The vision for the painting would not be complete without the accompanying poem with the same name. The category is "The realest fiction there is ...in paint and poetry !!"

The text reads:

Unraveling my Island Identity

Let me fling back me madras

And unravel a bit of who I am

I radiate an exotic intoxicating rhythm that undulates from my soul,

Captured by De beat of de drum and pang of de pan,

I dance,

I sway like the ocean waves,

The source of my nourishment and survival,


I’m sure you can imagine sand compressed seashells


They adorn my ears,

And I stare into the sun that warns me,

A gilded cloak comforting my memories.


Letters from an Island: Part I


An Ode to You