Becoming Rage
Tantie Mary say that since me feel me a big woman now, to gwan and don’t comeback. The words still ring in my head three weeks later. My last image of Hibiscus Road featured the woman who raised me.
Her Fate Decided
It was three months after moving into their new home that Toni-Ann was recognising a new pattern with George. He seemed secretive, withdrawn at times and agitated with her most days.
In The Bowels of Her Memory
Maybe this is the time to come clean. This is the salvation, the sign she had been beseeching the universe for the last four years. Or maybe this is a trap. To admit the abuse, would be to admit her weakness.
Take Me or Leave Me
Maybe this is the time to come clean. This is the salvation, the sign she had been beseeching the universe for the last four years. Or maybe this is a trap. To admit the abuse, would be to admit her weakness.
Stone-cold to the touch
Body like a slug, just drifting through life
Leaving behind a trail of darkness and pain
The Clean Up
The apartment will feel like you are being suffocated….
He is like Him
In his physique.
A body made beautiful now distorted
He folds over himself as if
To make up for his size he shrinks his impact
I, Atlas
I am Atlas and the burden of the world is my own. Suffocating under the weight of continents, the whisper of dreams, hopes and prayers that fill the air.